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Upcycled egg carton bird feeder craft for spring!

Egg Carton Bird Feeder Craft for Kids

Keeping with our egg carton theme this week we’re upcycling egg cartons into bird feeders! Our heart shaped winter bird feeder made such a sweet treat for birds on those cold winter days and now we’re making a spring feeder to hang on the small branches of plants in your yard.


  • Egg Carton Cups
  • Paint (optional)
  • Twine
  • Bird Seed
  • Nail

How to make an Egg Carton Bird Feeder

  1. Start by cutting the egg cups from the carton. Trim the edges of the egg cups to remove any rough parts of the cardboard.
  2. Paint the outside of the egg cup and let the paint dry.
  3. Use the nail to poke a hole in the bottom of the egg cup large enough for the twine to thread through.
  4. Pull the end of the twine through the hole and tie a knot at the base of the egg cup. The longest part of the twine should go up through the egg cup. Add a loop at the top to hang the egg carton bird feeder.
  5. Carefully fill the egg cup with birdseed and hang on a branch in your yard. The egg cup should be placed near branches that the birds can perch on while eating.


egg carton bird feeder craft


Bird Watching

I love to wake up to the sound of the birds chirping outside! We put our bird feeder on a large shrub near a window in our home so we can see the birds as they’re eating. It’s fun to try to guess which type of bird is eating from the egg carton bird feeder. Make bird crafts to go along with the theme to expand on this nature activity!

So if you liked this craft, you’ll like these others too:

How to Make a Birdhouse from a Box

Garden Scarecrow

You can also find projects like this on our Facebook page!


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Let kids’ imaginations run wild with these fun and educational science projects! Through hands-on activities, the Bird Science Discovery Box teaches kids about birds, from the songbirds to waterfowl, to raptors and more! Young ornithologists can look forward to crafting Mexican Spotted Owl and Whooping Crane Endangered Species Puppets, designing bird-protecting Window Clings, making different types of bird feeders, and more! (*contains allergen-free sun butter to make a pine cone feeder) This Discovery Box celebrates thinking, questioning and original creation with fun and creative projects that will have everyone tinkering and playing long afterwards.

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