We love ideas that re-use boxes and get inspire even the littlest kids to be observant in nature. We’re up-cycling our cardboard box into a nature tray for a scavenger hunt. When I was a kid I used to do this activity with a shoe box, so if you don’t have a Green Kid Crafts box handy, any small box will work.
Separate your box into compartments and paint the bottom of each compartment with a color found in nature. This can be adapted with the seasons too!
Then head outside and find objects that match the colors in the tray.
- 1 Green Kid Crafts Box
- Nature Colored Paint or Markers (We used brown, gray, yellow, and green.)
- Scissors
- Tape
Cut the lid off of your empty Green Kid Crafts box.
Cut cardboard spacers from the lid in the following sizes:
2 Spacers at 6 3/4″ x 2″
1 Spacer at 4″ x 2″
Use tape to secure the spacers in the box as shown.
Paint or color each compartment a different color.
Head outside! In your own backyard or to a local park and kids can collect objects that match the colors in the box! How many objects can you find?
It’s a simple activity, with infinite variations. Siblings, Friends, a Classroom – as either a supported, individual or group activity it works!
It’s a good exercise for young kids, teaching them words to describe objects they find. Shapes, textures, smells.
It’s a good opportunity to talk to kids about what you shouldn’t pick for your box (roses from your neighbor’s garden?) and why.
It’s a great hiking or traveling activity too – does the earth change color between places? Is all dirt the same color?
Be prepared for some Why’s and go exploring!