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Green Kid Crafts wins Academics’ Choice Award!

By August 22, 2015October 1st, 2018No Comments

 Academic's Choice Award

Our weekend was topped off with some wonderful news: we won the coveted Academics’ Choice Award Brain Toy Award! This is a prestigious seal of educational quality, reserved only for the best mind-building media and toys. The independent Academics’ Choice Awards program and its seal of excellence are recognized worldwide by consumers and educational institutions as a mark of genuinely effective learning tools that stimulate the mind, and provide potential for kids to fully develop higher order thinking skills. A panel of product-appropriate judges, including parents, educators, scientists, artists, doctors, nurses, librarians, students and children, evaluate products based on educational benefits such as higher-order thinking skills, character building, creative play, durability and originality

This award mean so much to us because it is based on our product’s educational and brain-boosting qualities.  In their words, “Academics’ Choice Awards help parents and educators validate claims such as “better thinking” and “educational toy” with a qualified, scientific and objective approach to evaluation.  Academics’ Choice Awards bring recognition to the best thinking-based products in the industry. Only the genuine “mind-builders” are recognized with the coveted Academics’ Choice Award.”

We have used the Academics’ Choice website when researching products for our own families so it’s such an honor to now be included among the ranks of these wonderful brands.

This is one of our favorite quotes from the write up:

“My kids had a lot of fun with this product (gluing, taping, cutting, decorating, mixing, using clay, shadow and light) and it was used up quickly. I loved that it encouraged creative thinking, hands-on learning, and didn’t involve screen time.”

Read the entire review here.

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