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GeneralMusic Science

Music Monday: Create your own Nature Music Playlist

By March 4, 2013February 10th, 2021No Comments

We’re celebrating our March World Music Discovery Box by bringing you Music Mondays!  Check back every Monday in March for a new music activity.

Looking for a fun activity to do this week?  Create a Nature Playlist!

Go outside and visit the beach, park or local walking trail and listen to all the sounds of nature.  Write down the sounds and keep a log of your favorite nature tunes.  Do you like the sound of the birds chirping, bees buzzing or rain falling?

Once the week is over report back to our Facebook page and share your Nature Playlist with us!

Does your child love music?  Don’t miss out on our March World Music Discovery Box. Last chance to order is  Monday, March 4th by midnight. Order your box here.

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