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And the Winner of the Blogger Photo Contest Is…

By October 2, 2012December 23rd, 2020No Comments

We are very excited to announce the winner of our Keeping Kids Creative Blogger Photo Contest: The Kids Did It!  Joy and her team there will receive a 6 month gift subscription to give away to their readers. Congratulations Joy!

We had a lot of really wonderful photos, and since everyone received the same Feathered Friends box it was so interesting to see how differently the projects came out. Another benefit of open ended crafting! 🙂

Over 1000 people voted in the contest, so we are even more thrilled to make our maximum donation to Healthy Child Healthy World! A big thank you to everyone who voted!

And of course, another huge thank you goes to the bloggers that participated in the contest and reviewed our Discovery Box: Mama Nibbles (our first runner up), Eco-Babyz (second runner up), Pretty Opinionated, Life With Two Boys, The Review Wire, The Mommy Bunch, Simply Stacie, ELITEMAMA, Mama Papa Barn, Why We Love Green, So Easy Being Green, Praises of a Wife and Mommy, Mommy’s Block Party, Valerie’s Reviews*, Parent Palace*, Mommyhood Chronicles* and The Kids Did It.

Did you get our Feathered Friends box in September? We’d love to see your birdhouses, spotting scopes and endangered owls – send us photos on Facebook!

*reviews forthcoming

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