Today’s post comes to us from Amanda at Crafty Critters. Crafty Critters is a website dedicated to providing easy and fun crafts for kids. Be sure to check out their site for even more fun crafting ideas!
Many things around the house are re-useable for crafting. We have thought up some great ideas for all that cardboard you get!
Let’s make crafts and let our imagination run wild by creating dress up items and play let’s pretend.
Great Craft Ideas with Cardboard:
- Become your own Easter Bunny with our Easter Bunny Costume
- Play cowboys with our Sheriff’s badge, and ride your trusty sidekick around town.
- Create a play set in medieval times with our castle and figurines.
Fun Easter Bunny Costume
A great way to delivery some treats to your friends and classmates. They will think YOU are the Easter Bunny!
Recommended Age Group: 4 years old and up
Approximate Time to Complete: 30 minutes
Supplies: Cardboard, cotton balls, pink pom pom, pink pipe cleaners, construction paper, string, glue, scissors, clip or bobby pin
Step #1: Trace a mask shape onto the cardboard, adding two bunny ears on top. Cut this out. Make sure to also cut out two eye holes so you can see wearing your mask.
Step #2: Using pink construction paper add the inside pink of your bunny ears. Glue these in place.
Step #3: Create holes on each side of the mask. This will hold your string later so you can wear your mask.
Step #4: Pull apart a number of cotton balls and glue them all over the mask.
Step #5: Add the pipe cleaners and pom pom to the nose area of your mask.
Step #6: Weave a piece of string to each side of the mask.
Step #7: Cut a circle out of construction paper. Cover this in cotton balls as well.
Step #8: Glue a clip (or bobby pin) to the back of the circle and this will be your tail. The clip makes it wearable.
Put on this costume for Easter and give out Easter eggs to your friends and family.
Cowboy Costume
Once the warmer weather starts coming back, playing outside pretending to be cowboys is a great way to enjoy the weather. Using some of that cardboard you can make a Sheriff’s badge and a trusty sidekick to ride around.
Recommended Age Group: 3 years old and up
Approximate Time to Complete: 60 minutes
Supplies: Cardboard, paint (yellow and brown), paintbrush, black marker, paper towel roll, string, hole punch, bobby pin, gold sparkle paint, glue, scissors, our Sheriff’s Badge template
Let Us Teach You: Click here to learn this
Cardboard Medieval Castle
Cardboard can also be used as the scene and characters for your very own play! Learn to make a medieval castle and all the characters you will need to act out your script.
Recommended Age Group: 5 years old and up
Approximate Time to Complete: 90 minutes
Supplies: Cardboard, paper towel rolls, our Medieval Figurine template, construction paper, markers, googly eyes, scissors, glue.
Let Us Teach You: Click here to learn this
There are so many things you can do with a simple piece of cardboard.
Our Crafty Critters are always looking for new and interesting ways to re-use “trash” and make it beautiful. Be sure to keep watching for what our Crafty Critters are up to at!
Happy Crafting!