Turn your Green Kid Crafts Box into a Volcano Experiment!
We love to upcycle, recycle and reuse any item we can, especially from our Green Kid Crafts kits! Expand on the Volcano Discovery Box you received with your monthly subscription buy trying out this box craft. We’re making our empty Green Kid Crafts box into volcanic fissures using just a few supplies.
Volcanic Fissures
Volcanic fissures or volcanic vents, are linear cracks in the earth from which lava flows. Volcanic fissures don’t erupt but instead can create lava channels along the surface of the earth.
- 1 Empty Green Kid Crafts Box
- Black Paint (optional: red and orange paint)
- 1 Cardboard Paper Towel Tube
- Plastic Wrap
- Vinegar and Baking Soda
- Red or Orange Food Coloring
- Cut the lid off the empty box.
- Cut three linear “cracks” into the bottom of the box. They should be about a centimeter wide at the middle.
- Place the box upside down and paint the bottom black. If you have red paint you can paint an outline around the cracks cut into the box.
- Using scissors carefully cut the paper towel tube so you have pieces of the tube that are the same depth as the box. Line the tubes with plastic wrap by wrapping a piece around the outside of each tube. Squeeze the tubes closed.
- Add about a table spoon of baking soda to each tube and place them under the cracks in the upside down box. This is a messy project so place the box and tubes on a cookie sheet or paper towels.
- Color your vinegar orange with food coloring and pour a small amount into the cracks in the box to cause “lava” to flow from the fissures.
Green Kid Crafts Discovery Boxes
Our Discovery Boxes for kids pack a lot of fun and learning into convenient packages. Developed by teachers, crafty moms and STEAM experts (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) to support key developmental skills for kids ages 3-10, each Discovery Box celebrates creativity with craft projects and activates thinking, questioning, inquiring, and original creation as we guide children through fun science experiments. Each box contains 4-8 Creativity and STEAM Kits, extension activities, and a 20+ page themed Green Kid Activity Guide.