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Arts and Craft Projects for KidsGeneral

Kids fingerprint kit

By May 10, 2015April 26th, 2021No Comments

No two people have the same set of fingerprints, which is why detectives collect fingerprints at crime scenes to use as identification tools.  With this homemade fingerprint kit, amateur sleuths and aspiring crime scene investigators  can add fingerprint detection to their list of amateur investigation skills!

Fingerprint Kit

Supplies: Highlighter, black light, magnifying glass, ink pad and printable fingerprint identifying sheets. You can download fingerprint identifying sheets here.

Fingerprint Kit

Step 1: Take a highlighter and write secret messages on chairs or other furniture.

Fingerprint Kit

Step 2: Get some kids and fingerprint them! Let them try to identify their fingerprints with the identifying sheet.

Fingerprint Kit

Step 3: Let the kids roam around with the blacklight looking for your messages. We created fingerprints by rubbing the highlighter on a finger and stamping it on the wall. This activity is a blast for kids. Lainey loved to see the highlighter glow under the black light and the face she made never got old. Even the older kids liked to figure out who’s fingerprints were on each card!

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