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Halloween Crafts

Nocturnal animals are more active at night than during the day. These animals sleep during the day, often in a burrow or den. They have special adaptations that help them survive in the dark. Over millions of years, these animals have developed traits that help them survive in the darkness. Nocturnal animals may have larger ears to hear better, bigger eyes to see better, and body parts that glow in the night. Create your own big-eyed nocturnal animal art with our fun nocturnal animal crafts!


  • Black and yellow/or grey construction paper
  • Tacky glue
  • Twigs
  • Google eyes
  • Silver glitter paint or silver glitter




Step 1: Paint the background of the black paper with silver glitter.


Step 2: Break the twigs and glue them onto the paper.


Step 3: Add google eyes around the twigs.


Step 4: Cut out a moon and glue onto paper.


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