Winter Science Project for Kids: Snow Storm In a Jar
Ever wonder what a snow storm might look like? Maybe you live in a climate that doesn’t see snow storms.
This is a great (and up close!) way for kids to see first hand – over and over again!
> 1 cup water
> Baby oil
> White paint
> Iridescent glitter
> Mason jar
> Alka Seltzer
> Blue food coloring dye (optional)
Fill your mason jar ¾ full of baby oil.
In a bowl, add 1 tsp white paint and 1 cup water. Mix well.
Add the paint and water mixture to your mason jar.
Add desired amount of iridescent glitter.
Add blue food coloring dye (optional).
Wait until the glitter and paint/water mixture settle in the bottom of the mason jar. Once that is done, add in an Alka Seltzer tablet or two. Prepare to be amazed and see a snow storm!
Add additional tablets to continue the “storm”!
The ingredients seem to begin separated, but once the Alka Seltzer is added, the storm begins to form. The kids loved this activity for continuous snow making fun!
Aaron, age 7: “This project reminded me of what happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar! It just kind of reacts and explodes!”
For more science experiments for kids, please check out our Pinterest page!
Photographs and content by: Heather Kucenski