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GeneralScience Experiments for School Aged Kids

Dinosaur Bones Excavation Project

By August 10, 2021August 11th, 2021No Comments

dinosaur bones excavation project for kids

Dinosaur Bones Excavation Project for Kids

Be a Paleontologist! Dig and excavate the skeleton of mysterious prehistoric beasts with this dinosaur bones excavation project.

Supplies:  Salt dough, dirt, basket or bowl, paper and pencil

Step 1:  Make salt dough. Here is a great recipe.

Dinosaur bones excavation project

Step 2:  Draw different-sized bones on a sheet of paper labeled small to big.

Dinosaur dig for kids

Dinosaur bones excavation kit

Step 3: Roll the dough into “worm” shapes and then shape dough into different-sized bones as shown.

Step 4:  Bake the dough at 350 degrees until it is hardened, about for 10 minutes.

Dinosaur bones excavation kit

Dinosaur bones excavation kit

Step 4:  Collect dirt and fill a basket with it.  Bury the bones in the dirt.  Let the excavation begin!  You can give kids a pastry brush or a paintbrush to use to dust off the excavated “bones”. You can also have kids match each of their “bones” to the corresponding picture on their initial drawing, sorting them from smallest to biggest.

Dinosaur bones excavation experiment

For more DIY and eco-friendly projects, please check out our Pinterest page!

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