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Nature Scavenger Hunt

By May 26, 2024June 2nd, 2024No Comments

nature scavenger hunt for kids

Looking for a fun summer adventure to go on with the kids?  Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt!

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Nature Scavenger Hunt Supplies:

Bag, kid scissors, magnifying glass, pencil, Ziploc bags and camera.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Nature Scavenger Hunt Direction:

Step 1: You can print out the following template as a guide.  Or you can also cut pictures out of magazines of items you hope to find and glue them to the front of your collecting bag.

Scavenger Hunt (2)

Step 2:  We brought the camera (one the kids can use) so they could take pictures of things that needed to stay part of the trails. No picking the plants kids!

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Step 3:  Explore with a magnifying glass too! We found many things that didn’t belong in nature and were able to talk about the importance of littering and taking care of our world.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

If you’re not already a Green Kid Crafts subscriber, don’t wait another day to join! Single-purchase boxes are available, too!

Every month a different box! For kids ages 3-10+

With 4-6 activities each, our Boxes pack a punch!

What’s different about Green Kid Crafts?

4-6 bite-sized learning activities in every box
Founded by a Scientist, each box has substance to it.
Mom-founded, mom-run, each box kitted by hand in the USA.
Green and rooted in sustainability, we plant a tree for each order.
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