Winter Weather Math Games
Winter is coming to a close, but I know some of you are still covered in snow! Here are two fun snow activities for kids to get you through the last weeks of winter!
Math games can happen anywhere, even in the snow. Our family recently took a couple of days out of our busy schedule to spend time in the mountains. We don’t get snow here in San Diego so there are times we have to go find it if we want to build a snowman or have a snowball fight. Honestly, I prefer staying indoors with a book and some hot cocoa while my husband and kids do the sledding.
Snowball Math Crush
While we were there we made sure to add some homeschooling into our day. I brought the kids outside on the patio for some math games using snowballs. The activity is simple: Make a stack of snowballs, (building the stack is a fun STEM activity) and then place the snowballs on the ground in groups. I was working with my youngest son on addition during this math game of snowball, so we used groups of 2-5.
Start the snowball math games by counting one group of snowballs, and then beside that group count out another. Have your child add the two groups together by counting each snowball as they crush it with their foot. You can also practice subtraction by placing one group of snowballs on the ground and asking your child to subtract a smaller number of snowballs than they see. They can subtract the snowballs by crushing them with their foot, leaving the remainder of the snowballs to find the answer.
Painted Snow Tic-Tac-Toe
Next to our patio was a small snowbank perfect for a game of tic-tac-toe. We used this method for painting snow by The Resourceful Mama and made our own gameboard and pieces. The kids enjoyed taking turns throwing their colored snowballs at the game board. When one game is over just add a little more snow to each square to hide the colors and play again! This isn’t a math game but also as exciting!
Visit our blog page and check more fun activities for the kids.
Every month a different box! For kids ages 2-10+
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