DIY Craft for Kids: Guatemalan Tarantula
Try this fun and easy international craft for kids and make your own Guatemalan Tarantula!
Supplies: white card stock, black paint, googly eyes, scissors and glue.
Step 1: cover hands with black paint and put them heel to heel on the card stock.
Step 2: once handprints are dry, cut the whole set of prints out in one piece.
Step 3: glue eyes onto the spider.
Step 4: Bend up the legs of the spider a bit and you’re done!! Now you have your Guatemalan Tarantula!!
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Take a trip to the farm! This Discovery Box explores matching and patterns, fine motor skills, counting, taking turns, and pretend play. Includes the following projects: Barn and Animals on the Farm Kit, Farm Community Sticker Scene, Farm Lacing Craft, Felt Carrot Counting Game, and Nose-on-a-Stick Pretend Play Craft. Comes with a 12-page S.T.E.A.M. magazine full of comics, games, puzzles, and more learning opportunities. This hands-on box celebrates thinking, questioning and original creation with fun and creative projects that will have everyone tinkering and playing long afterwards. For ages 2+