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egg carton bugs crafts

How to Make Recycled Egg Carton Bugs 

I love this craft making egg carton bugs with recycled egg cartons! My 2-year-old daughter had a blast painting the “bug” bodies! This is a great activity for ages toddler and older, and would make a fun addition to a Very Hungry Caterpillar preschool unit.

There are so many fun crafts that can be made from recycled materials your kids can find around the house. I like to encourage my kids to see the potential in ordinary materials they can find at home. Their imaginations soar with all the possibilities once they see what we can make from what they thought was trash!

Materials Needed:

  • Egg Cartons
  • Paint
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Googly eyes

Use egg carton cups to make a variety of bugs! Cut a long row of cups and make a caterpillar or make a spider with long pipe cleaner legs. Kids can use their imagination to create egg carton bugs of any color and shape!

Caterpillar Suggestion:

  • Paint half the outside of a row of egg carton cups (the bumpy side) any color and let dry.
  • Make two holes in the top of an egg cup on the end of the row and insert a pipe cleaner down one hole and up through the second hole to make the caterpillar’s antennae.
  • Add google eyes to the same egg cup that holds the antennae for caterpillar eyes.

Spider Suggestion:

  • Trim an egg carton cup to even it out a bit.
  • Paint the inside and outside of the egg cup and let dry.
  • Poke four holes in each side for spider legs. Thread the pipe cleaners through a hole on one side and out the opposite side of the egg cup.
  • Glue eyes on and go play!

So if you liked this craft, you’ll like these others too:

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You can also find other activities for kids on Pinterest!

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Explore zoology and get to know some fascinating reptiles! Learn all about these scaly, cold-blooded animals through hands-on play while also developing age-appropriate learning skills with our Reptiles Discovery Box! Includes the following projects: Mosaic Turtle Poster Kit, Articulated Wooden Snake Kit, DIY Hanging Doorknob Lizard, and Felt Counting Crocodile Kit. Everything needed to explore animals and the biology of reptiles is included!

Comes with a 12-page S.T.E.A.M. magazine all full of comics, games, puzzles, and more reptile learning opportunities. This hands-on box celebrates thinking, questioning and original creation with fun and creative projects that will have everyone tinkering and playing long afterwards. For ages 2+.

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