10 DIY Backyard Summer Camp Activities
Downloadable Summer Survival Guide!
Ditch screen-time, this summer it’s STEAM-time! Don’t miss our Summer Survival Guide, an 11-page PDF chock full of our best activities and tips to have the best at-home camp experience!
Check out the details on this project here: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Summer-Survival-Guide-2021.pdf
DIY Bubble Wand
What kid doesn’t love bubble wands? Often, I even find the older kids to be just as fascinated by quality bubbles (although they will never admit it). All parents can understand the frustration of purchasing bubble wands only to be frustrated when it works less than effectively. So why not kill several birds with the proverbial stone and give them an opportunity to create something, work on dexterity, and practice engineering and problem solving with a DIY bubble wand? This is one of the best backyard summer camp activities that kids love!
Check out the details on this project here: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/diy-bubble-wand/
DIY Soda Bottle Sprinkler
Those lazy, hazy days of summer….If you are anywhere and experience the summer heat, often times, there is no other way to cool off than turning on that hose and playing in some cool water. We understand that gathering your child(ren) together into a hot car to go buy a sprinkler often comes with resistance and complaints and can often induce a very stressful situation for all and no one wants that. So why not use materials you most likely have around the house and challenge your kids to build their own water toy!
This DIY sprinkler made from a recycled soda bottle can actually be made from almost any type of plastic beverage container. So grab an empty milk carton, orange juice carton, or a soda bottle and some tape for some backyard summer camp activities!
You can find all of the info on “how-to” here: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/diy-sprinkler/
The “Fry an Egg on the Sidewalk” Science Experiment
The adult in me has me internally screaming for excitement about these backyard summer camp activities, especially this one. If all adults tell the truth, we ALL wanted to do this experiment when we were kids. It was almost like an urban legend that this was even possible. Turns out, it is and it is FUN and educational. When it’s too hot to stay out for very long but you want to get everyone excited and involved in an outdoor activity, this project is it.
All the “egg-cellent” details here: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/egg-science/
Balloon Powered Boat
Whether you have a pool, a nearby lake, a local fountain or a bathtub, this project can bring a challenging and fun experience for the whole family while providing a bit of water play on those hot summer days. BONUS: Start inside with that big pile of LEGOs you’re always stepping over! There’s no right or wrong way to build this boat so try different designs and experiment with which boat travels on the water powered by it’s balloon. These amazing backyard summer camp activities will surely make their time worthwhile!
Find all of the information and directions here: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/balloon-powered-boat/
Ocean Sensory Bin
Summertime is a great time for water play and this ocean themed sensory bin will keep your little one busy for hours. The bin includes different textures in the form of water, sand, and shells. Adding smooth shells and bumpy shells will enhance the sensory experience ever further.
Here is all of the info for a “whale” of a good time: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/ocean-sensory-bin/
DIY Recycled Materials Bottle Rocket
Say the word “Bottle Rocket” to ANY kid and their face will light up. In this project, we bring you the ultimate summer kid project where the kids get to build something, watch it take off AND you get to put those empty plastic bottles to good use (and then, recycle them!) This project uses things you already have on hand and gets your kids outside during those long summer months.
Check out all of the explosive information here: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/diy-bottle-rocket/
Sun Melted Crayon Shapes
As a parent, it is an unspoken understanding that we have ALL the broken crayons. In fact, the theory is that all of the missing sock mates that disappear in the dryer all morph into broken crayon pieces. THAT is how many broken crayon pieces households with small children have laying around. Fear not, moms and dads! We have a solution on how to turn those pesky pieces into pretty projects using only materials you have within reach.
Check out the instructions here: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/melted-crayons/
Backyard Tin Can Basketball Game
If your kids love basketball but the strenuous activity in the extreme heat and that asphalt is just too hot for comfort, why not turn basketball into a yard game? Inspiring creativity and healthy competition, kids can make their own tin can basketball game and even make up their own special rules. Include this in your list of fun backyard summer camp activities!
Check out how to do this here: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/tin-can-basketball/
DIY Sprouted Hobbit House Miniature Garden
Kids love planting seeds and watching what happens when they grow. Growing seeds is something that kids of all ages can enjoy from toddlerhood to teens. This activity takes the love and excitement of growing seeds and combines it with budding engineering skills. Watch your kiddos build their own hobbit house and miniature garden. There is no right or wrong way to do this project and each child’s will most likely be super unique!
Here is the information on these awesome backyard summer camp activities: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/hobbit-house-fairy-garden/
Painting with Ice Cubes
Summer is a great time to use ice in sensory projects. Today we’re combining a sensory art activity with color science in this ice cube painting craft for kids. It also makes a great last minute boredom buster for kids because you probably already have the supplies you need for this project in your kitchen! You see? A lot of backyard summer camp activities won’t let you spend too much.
Here is how to make these awesome backyard summer camp activities: https://www.greenkidcrafts.com/ice-cube-painting/
For more backyard summer camp activities, don’t hesitate to connect with us at Green Kids Craft! Or, check out our toddler subscription box for a great way to encourage fun learning from an early age.